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The Lone Pine books are the best-known of Malcolm Saville's stories. They start in wartime Shropshire, when the Morton children, David and his younger twin siblings, Mary and Richard (Dickie), not forgetting their Scottie dog Macbeth (Mackie), come to live at Witchend, a house on the Long Mynd, while their father is away in the RAF. In Mystery at Witchend they start the Lone Pine Club, with Petronella (Peter) Sterling, who lives with her father on the Long Mynd at Hatchholt Reservoir, and Tom Ingles, another Londoner, who has been evacuated to live with his aunt and uncle on nearby Ingles Farm. They become friends and uncover a group of enemy spies. As the series progresses, more children join the group and the action for some of the books moves to different parts of England including Sussex, Dartmoor, Suffolk, Yorkshire and London. Although the war ends and time moves on, the children only get a couple of years older during the 35 years spanned by these stories.