Rules of the Malcolm Saville Society
- Name
The name of the organisation is 'The Malcolm Saville Society'.
- Objectives
The objectives of the Society are to promote interest and research into the work and life of Leonard Malcolm Saville (1901-1982) of Sussex.
- Membership
Membership is divided into three classes:
Ordinary Members shall be persons who are interested in furthering the aims of the Society and agree to abide by its rules. They shall be eligible for election to the Committee and shall be entitled to attend all meetings. They shall be entitled to one copy of each free publication issued by the Society and shall have one vote.
Family Members shall be individually named members of one household who are interested in furthering the aims of the Society and agree to abide by its rules. Each of the members shall enjoy the privileges of an Ordinary Member, except that only the first two named shall have the right to vote. Each household shall be entitled to one copy of each free publication issued by the Society.
Honorary Members shall be distinguished persons, approved by the Committee and accepted by resolution at an Annual General Meeting, upon whom the Society may see fit to confer an honorary distinction. Honorary Members shall not be eligible for election to the Committee (unless they choose to pay a subscription), but shall otherwise enjoy all the privileges of Ordinary Members including the right to vote.
Except in the case of Honorary Members, no person or organisation is entitled to any of the privileges of membership until they have paid their annual subscription.
- Meetings and Events
Events may be organised by the Society from time to time at such places of interest as may be appropriate in furtherance of the objectives of the Society. These shall be open to all members, subject to such limitation on numbers as may be necessary. An Organiser shall be appointed for each event and administrative arrangements appropriate to the nature of the event shall be followed to ensure it is successful and enjoyable. These arrangements shall be reviewed by the Committee in the light of experience and changing circumstances.
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held once in each calendar year and at any rate at intervals of not more than fifteen months, for the purposes of receiving a report from the Committee, examining the accounts of the Society, electing members of the Committee and independent verifiers, and for conducting any other business of which due notice has been given. The Committee shall give not less than 45 days' notice of the date, time and place of meeting.
Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM) may be convened by decision of the Committee or at the demand in writing of not less than 20 per cent of the eligible voters. The Committee shall give members not less than 20 days' notice of the date, time and place of meeting.
Members shall be sent an agenda, notifying all business which it is proposed to conduct, for each AGM or EGM, not less than 14 days before such meeting is due to take place. Business concerning the Rules or the administrative affairs of the Society may be determined only at an AGM or an EGM.
- Management
Strategic and day-to-day management of the Society shall be vested in the Committee. The Committee shall consist of the officers (that is a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer) and not fewer than three nor more than nine Ordinary Members. A quorum shall be four Committee members and minutes shall be kept. The first business of the committee meeting immediately following the AGM shall be to elect officers.
Committee members shall be elected at the AGM. In the event of a vacancy occurring between two AGMs the Committee has the power to fill it - such appointments shall be subject to confirmation at the next AGM. The Committee also has the power to co-opt members and to appoint sub-committees on an ad hoc basis for any special purpose that might arise.
- Financial
The income and property of the Society shall be applied solely to promote the objectives of the Society and no portion shall be paid or transferred to members except by reimbursement of approved expenses incurred in pursuit of the Society's objectives. The Treasurer shall receive on account all such items of money due to the Society and under direction of the Committee shall pay out of such monies (with two authorised signatures) all sums due by the Society and shall keep regular account of all receipts and payments and shall present a statement of these for each financial period. This statement shall be verified and countersigned by an independent verifier appointed at the previous AGM and presented at that following the end of the period to which it relates.
- Proceedings at Meetings
Meetings shall be presided over by the Chair of the Society or a Chair appointed for the day to take the meeting. Resolutions, other than those altering the Rules, shall be passed by a simple majority of those present and entitled to vote. At AGMs, 12 members entitled to attend and vote at general meetings shall be a quorum; at EGMs, 25 such members shall be a quorum.
- Election of Officers and Ordinary Members of the Committee
A member of the Committee shall retire after a three year term has been served. Subject to being eligible and willing, retiring members of the Committee may stand for re-election if they wish. Any two or more members may nominate one or more members who are eligible for election to the Committee. Such nominations shall be delivered to the Secretary. Should nominations exceed the number of positions to be filled, the Chair shall call for an election by ballot of all members present and entitled to vote.
- Subscriptions
The annual rate of subscription shall be determined by the Committee from time to time. Subscriptions shall be due on 1st June each year and shall be paid to the Society through the Membership Registrar.
- Conduct of Members
Members are expected to bear the interests and good name of the Society in mind at all times. They are asked to respect the privacy of present occupants of properties associated with Malcolm Saville, not all of whom may share our interest, nor even be aware of the association. For the comfort and safety of all, participants on visits and gatherings must follow the instructions of the event organiser or leader, or another member acting on their behalf.
Members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not adversely affect the enjoyment of others.
Personal information given by members is for private communication between members and should not be used for commercial purposes.
The Committee is empowered to suspend the membership of any member whose actions are not in accordance with the above and to propose to the next AGM that such member be expelled by resolution of the members present. Such member shall be entitled to attend the AGM to present their case.
- Changes to Rules
These Rules may be altered by a two-thirds majority vote, following open debate within the Society, at AGM or an EGM called for that purpose.
- Dissolution
The Society may be wound up by an EGM convened for the purpose after six months' notice has been given to members. If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Society and the discharge of all its debts and liabilities there remains any property or funds, these are to be disbursed in such manner as agreed by the remaining members.
- Matters not Specifically Covered
The Committee shall have the power to determine and act upon any matters not specifically covered by these Rules in order that the Society functions in accordance with its aims and objectives