North Norfolk Gathering 2019
- Gathering Itinerary
- Useful contacts
- Welcome from the Chairman/Editor - Kim Spencer
... and Welcome from the Organisers - Patrick and Joy Tubby - The Runtons - Joy Tubby
- 'Oh, the poor darling! It's a Sealyham' - Kim Spencer
- 'You can have my fish cake, Margaret' - Mark O'Hanlon
- Mrs Holt's Norfolk Myths and Legends - Sally Walker
- Mr Allsup's Fake News - John Allsup
- 'No more an Oyster-catcher than a Blackbird' - Kim Spencer
- Warning! A Redshank is Coming - Clarissa Cridland
- Guardians of our Coasts ... into the Twent-first Century - Patrick Tubby
- North to Norfolk
- Radio Redshank - Steven Handy
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