
Acksherley! No. 36 - Summer 2008


Acksherley! No. 36 - Summer 2008


Editorial - Alan Stone

From the Chair - Frank Shepperd

Postcard From...
Church Stretton - Jill Howes
A Childs Eye View - Rachel Everson

Salop and all that - John Roberts
'Captain' W E Johns and his friends - Stephen Bigger
The Woodcraft Folk and the Symbol of the Lone Pine Tree - Tim Everson
You never know what or who is around the corner - Jenny Aitken
Memories of Hardenden - Bridget Cobb
Wherefore art thou - David? - Frank Shepperd
News from Shropshire - Robert Smart

'Missing Scene'
How Peter came to meet David and the Twins - Kevin Talbot

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