Two Rings Weekend
24 members enjoyed this superbly organised event and except for a short period of rain early on Sunday morning, it was blessed with fair weather throughout.
The principal locations of interest on the walks were Chanctonbury and Cissbury rings - Iron Age hill forts that featured in The Long Passage - also Findon Place adjacent to the church, which was believed to be the inspiration for The Old Manor.
'What the Society does best' succinctly sums up Saturday evening in Findon Village Hall. It was an excellent social event: congenial company, good food, themed quizzes to test the little grey cells and a good selection of Saville titles available to browse through, discuss, and possibly even buy. As always, a lot of hard work goes into making such evenings a success so on this occasion, a very big 'thank you' goes to Karen Silverson and her team who spent most of the evening in the kitchen.
On Sunday the group visited Amberley Chalk Pits Museum. This is a fascinating attraction in its own right, with many displays showing aspects of daily life as it was about the time Malcolm Saville began writing, but the visit was further enhanced by an imaginative Saville-themed treasure hunt devised by the organizing team. Then after a few hours of free time, where some visited Arundel and others walked along the sea front at Worthing, 'The World's End' pub at Patching was chosen for the last evening dinner.
Chanctonbury Ring
Cissbury Ring
On the way down