
Our private Facebook Group update

Our private Facebook Group update

A new year and another new group cover photo for the Not just the Lone Pine club (for ALL Malcolm Saville fans) page. 

The Strangers at Snowfell cover is perfect for the season. Steven Bigger has also shared a link to his blog post on New Year - a Shap Memory... based on this book, together with his own map of the area related to the story. 

If you would like to discuss Malcolm Saville and his books with almost 500 other Saville fans, then search Facebook and apply to join the private Facebook group Not just the Lone Pine club (for ALL Malcolm Saville fans). Make sure you answer the security question before sending your application. You don't need to be a member of the Malcolm Saville Society to join the group - Click here - though there are loads of benefits to becoming one!

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