February Ramblings 2022

This weekend event, for keen hill walkers, was based in the Strettons, in the heart of Lone Pine country, but with the intention of also exploring the location of The Secret of Grey Walls.
In the barely noticeable gap between Storm Eunice and Storm Franklin, 21 hardy Lone Piners enjoyed another challenging, invigorating and exhilarating Ramblings event, first gathering for a Friday evening meal in the Kings Arms, Church Stretton.
Saturday’s attempt to walk to Grey Walls looked like succumbing to the same ‘Clun Curse’ as 2020 (following the ravages of Storm Dennis that year), as our drive up to the start of the walk on Offa’s Dyke encountered mud, sleet, ice, snow, impossibly strong winds and blizzard conditions. Returning to Clun, some opted for alternative lower level activities, including coffee, exploring Clun and HQ3, walks below Caer Caradoc and near Ludlow and visits to Stokesay Castle and the Secret Hills Discovery Centre. Two hardy enthusiasts even returned to Offa’s Dyke a few hours later, when the weather had improved, and then completed the full walk as planned! They definitely deserved the delicious Fabulous Feast in the Ragleth Arms in Little Stretton that evening.
Sunday’s forecast for >95% heavy rain all day, with winds gusting to 49mph proved to be over-pessimistic. Undaunted, 12 intrepid walkers tackled the southern ascent of Ragleth Hill, somehow remaining upright in the strong winds and enjoying great views as they walked northwards along the ridge, returning to Little Stretton via the Owlets, as the rain increased, after crossing the A49, the railway line and the flooded Laundry Path (a boardwalk in the Stretton Wetlands). Sunday lunch in the Green Dragon was a welcome reward, bringing an end to a very enjoyable (and sometimes challenging!) weekend.